Home Delivered Meals

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The Capital City Activity Center/Meals on Wheels Greater Frankfort operates a  home-delivered meals program affiliated with the national Meals on Wheels program that delivers a hot, nutritious meal to home bound seniors Monday through Friday every week.  Eligible clients must be age 60 or older, be unable to cook for themselves, or not have someone to cook for them.  The program not only provides hot meals but also warm smiles and a way to check on clients’ conditions.  Home delivered meals are an important step in keeping seniors out of residential care and in their homes, where they can maintain quality of life, dignity, and independence. 

Capital City Activity Center/Meals on Wheels Greater Frankfort  is proud to be partnered with Meals on Wheels America, one of the most powerful social movements in America. What started in 1954 as a compassionate idea has grown into one of the largest and most effective social movements in America, currently helping nearly 2.4 million seniors annually in virtually every community in the country. MEALS ON WHEELS IS THE ONLY FEDERALLY SUPPORTED PROGRAM DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY TO MEET THE NUTRITIONAL AND SOCIAL NEEDS OF SENIORS.DELIVERING SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST A MEAL!

The Capital City Activity Center/Meals on Wheels Greater Frankfort has a full service kitchen with excellent standards of cleanliness.  Our cooking staff is well known for their delicious meals, and we operate our nutritional program under the supervision of a registered dietitian who helps design our menu.  Our  program delivers more than a meal – we deliver hope and friendship.

Am I eligible?
To be eligible, you must be age 60 or older, be unable to cook for yourself, or not have someone who can help you with meal preparation.  Our Meals Coordinator will visit you in your home to explain the program before your service begins.

What kind of meal service is provided?
Meals are delivered at mid-day Monday through Friday.  Meals consist of both hot and cold food, and our menu is published monthly in our newsletter, The Grapevine. It also is published on this website. 
What is the cost of home-delivered meals?
The suggested contribution for home-delivered meals is $5.00 per meal or $25.00 per week.  However, no one is denied service for financial reasons.
I have a medical condition that requires a special diet.  Can you accommodate me?
No.  Our meal program is only able to provide regular meals.
I have difficulty carrying things.  Can the meal driver bring my meal inside?
Our drivers are ready, willing, and able to bring your meals into the kitchen, leave them on a table, or put them in your refrigerator, whichever is most helpful to you.  Alternatively, you can accept them right at your door.
Can the driver leave the meal if I have to go out? 
No.  Part of our mission is to see each client for each delivery.  We want to confirm that you are safe on a daily basis.  We also do not want to risk food-borne illnesses by leaving meals outside without knowing when they will be refrigerated or consumed.  By prior arrangement, we can leave a meal with a neighbor occasionally, if you have to be away during meal delivery time for a doctor’s appointment, etc.

Can I suspend service for a few days without being cancelled?
Yes.  We must have at least one day’s advance notice to cancel or resume meal service.  You can suspend service without being cancelled from the program, but if your meals are cancelled for long periods you will have to re-apply to begin service again.


Is there a limited time I can have home-delivered meal service?
You can remain on the program for as long as there are no changes in your eligibility.  Clients are re-evaluated every six months for continued eligibility.  Some clients need home-delivered meals for a limited time while recovering from surgery or other situations, and some clients need meals indefinitely.

How can I get more information:
Contact the meals coordinator, Pam, at 502-223-5794 or pmoore@fccoa.com

Seniors without access to emotional and financial support are substantially more likely to suffer from hunger. 

Health consequences of senior hunger:

  • Seniors experiencing some form of food insecurity are significantly more likely to have lower intakes of energy and major vitamins.
  • Seniors who are hungry are more likely to be in poor health.
  • Seniors suffering from hunger may have more limitations in activities of daily living.